There are a number of methods used to utilise the therapeutic powers of essential oils …
Some are very simple and some listed are a little more involved, and often administered under the guidance of a professional aromatherapist. At eda we have a number of blends available to suit many common complaints, but you can also use a mixture of essential oils chosen to suit your needs. See our essential oil section for the various benefits of essential oils.
Therapeutic Uses of Essential Oils
At this point is important to remind you that you should never apply pure essential oils to your skin without having been diluted correctly first. Please refer to our information on safety with using essential oils.
Using essential oils in your bath is a simple process. All you need to do is add 6 to 8 drops of essential oil in to your warm bath water as it is running, or use a base like our Dead Sea Salts and Essential Oil Combos. This will help to disperse the oil and includes the added benefits of dead sea salts.
Lie in the bath for a minimum of 15 minutes to allow the molecules of essential oil to be absorbed by the skin (the warmth of the water helps the skin to do so).
Using essential oils in the bath provides two forms of absorption, through the skin and inhalation. This method is safe to use every day.
Using a compress is an established technique that helps with swelling, aches, bruising and sprains.
Using a bowl add either hot or cold water and a few drops of essential oil, then swirl it around to disperse the oils with the water. Use hot water for muscular aches and cold water for sprains. Never use boiling water with essential oils as it is too harsh on the essential oils. Soak a piece of clean cotton cloth in the water and oil, wring it out, and apply gently to the affected area. Cover with cling film and leave in place for a while.
Creams and Lotions
Any non-medicated cream or lotion can be used as a base for a suitable blend of essential oils to help with specific skin problems, along with helping other ailments by simply acting as a ‘carrier’ for the oils to enter the body. Because of the strength of pure essential oils typically you would add no more than 12 drops of essential oil to 30ml of cream or lotion.
Although a professional aromatherapist has the expertise to massage the body in such a way that the muscles relax and the blood and lymph flow freely around the body, an individual can also bring relief to some conditions by gentle massage on affected areas.
Your hands and feet respond well to gentle rubbing with a massage oil.
A massage oil should consist of 12 drops of essential oil to 30ml of good carrier oil.
Mouth Washes and Gargles
Essential oils have good antiseptic properties so although one should never ingest essential oils, using a drop of (say) Tea Tree essential oil in a glassful of water as a rinse or gargle for the mouth, then spitting it out afterwards, can help fight infection.
Using the essential oil in this manner can relieve inflammation in the mouth and help with mouth ulcers.
Room Spray
Using a room spray is an excellent way to keep infections at bay. Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to a spray bottle filled with boiled (not boiling) water and you have a natural sweet smelling antiseptic spray.
Use of tissues is a simple but effective method of using essential oils. Fold a paper tissue up and put 2 to 3 drops of essential oil or an essential oil blend onto it. Bringing the tissue to your nose, inhale deeply 2 to 3 times and your nose and nasal passages will fill with the essential oil molecules.
This method is particularly effective for colds, hay fever, and even helpful with controlling panic attacks.
An excellent tip to maintain the aroma is to wrap it in foil when you are not using it, then take the tissue with you to use throughout the day.
A particularly effective way to use essential oils is through a vapouriser, and yet is so simple. There are two main types of vapourisers, both with a bowl at the top to house the essential oils.
The cheapest is the vapouriser heated using a tea light candle, however you need to be mindful of the hazards this type of unit brings with it. As this type requires water as well as the essential oil to be added to the bowl, not only do you have to be careful with messy candle wax, but you are at risk of being burnt with a volatile naked flame or oily hot water.
The safest is the electric vapouriser. If a good quality vapouriser, like the one we sell here at eda, it provides a safe, clean and efficient way to vapourise the essential oils with its low temperature control and insulated ceramic case. Because of its low temperature control only essential oil (or a blend) is placed in the bowl, removing the risk of being burnt by hot oily water.
Water Spray
Using a water spray, i.e. a small cup of boiled warm water with 2 drops of essential oil in a small spray bottle for a delicate area such as a leg ulcer can be an effective way to help heal the wound while providing an antiseptic barrier around it too.
If you are using the essential oils in this way it is important to always make up a fresh mixture each day of use.